Today, a few of us woke up at arse-crack of dawn to embark on an eleven-mile hike through the mountains where they would trek through brush and brook, gaze out over glorious valleys, and watch the indigenous wildlife. I woke up briefly to wave them goodbye before scratching my posterior and rolling over to go back to sleep.
Those of us who didn't want to commit suicide by overactivity (which is totally a real thing that I didn't just make up) went out and did what's called "geocaching,'' which is where you go out to the brush and look follow a GPS signal to a container (like a box or a cylinder). These can contain anything, from coupons to toys and trinkets. If you want to take something you find, you must put something else into it in return. Our group found a necklace, a small shell, and my new friends you see above: (from left to right) Doctor Gordon, Leo, and Mister Disco. I'll need to find a place for these Geodudes when I get back home in a couple of days. It's been a rewarding trip!