To grandmother's house I go! After missing the Target departure time of 8am by a scant five hours, we finally managed to leave the driveway and have been trucking (vanning?) for six hours practically nonstop so far.
The occasion is an epic event: five cars full of the Hitchcock bloodline will depart from Point A in New Mexico and drive to Point B in northern California via the Nevada desert.
I think what excites me the most about this roadtrip is the prospect of passing through/spending extended amounts of time in most of my favorite environments. Point A is in the stony landscapes of New Mexico, we get to drive through the Nevada desert, and Point B is among the forests and mountains of northern California in the most beautiful part of the country. Can't wait!
I think the mountains are the best part ^^ I would love to go on another road trip back to Colorado sometime, or fly up to Aspen and at least try to learn how to snowboard. Just can never find anyone to go with me.